As a professional makeup artist, COVID-19 put an abrupt halt to my life. Like so many around the world and in particular my beloved hometown of Melbourne, I was left without my business — but most importantly, my creative outlet. But time away from my craft allowed me to recognise and understand the full extent of my passion that had originally inspired me to become a makeup artist. 

I am passionate about elevating natural beauty and personal style as a way of empowering women.

And it is from this passion that Isaiah 54:17 was born.

I cultivate a strong connection to my faith and have always deeply resonated with the beautifully written verses within the Isaiah testament. The spiritual impact of this name runs beyond faith and into my blood; later naming my son Isaiah. It is this personally powerful combination of my faith along with my biggest driver and motivation in life, my son, that has profoundly inspired my brand and its meaningful ethos.  

This philosophy of empowerment has shaped my creative expression throughout all of my designs, with each piece effortlessly exuding confidence and strength upon the wearer through personally curated and powerful messages.

The Isaiah 54:17 woman is bold; she is in touch with her faith and she is fashion forward. It is this multifaceted woman that has inspired three thoughtfully curated collections: Faith, Universe and Fashion. Collectively, they embody the Isaiah 54:17 woman.

Isaiah 54:17 is the home of unique, fashionable and high-quality jewellery, with each piece showcasing the perfect balance of style and inspiration — featuring personalised fonts and chains while telling a story that evokes power, strength and confidence.

Isaiah 54:17 is empowerment embodied.